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  • Day: September 30, 2021

Despite Heightening Investor Pressure, Few Companies Publicly Report on Sustainability, Sphera’s New Survey Finds

New data from Sphera reveals that, despite promises to the contrary, companies struggle with implementing and disclosing progress on their sustainability efforts CHICAGO, Sept. 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Though pressure is growing from all corners—from investors, to governments, to boards of directors—companies worldwide struggle to report progress on their…

Malgré une pression accrue des investisseurs, peu d’entreprises rendent leurs rapports sur le développement durable publics, selon la nouvelle enquête de Sphera

De nouvelles données de Sphera révèlent que, malgré leurs promesses, les entreprises ont du mal à mettre en œuvre et à faire état de leurs progrès en matière de durabilité CHICAGO, 30 sept. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bien que la pression augmente de toutes parts, des investisseurs aux gouvernements en…

Get your COVID-19 jab this Vooma Weekend

While encouraged by the number of those who have vaccinated, Cabinet has appealed to those who have yet to get their COVID-19 jab, to do so during the upcoming Vooma Vaccination Weekend.At its meeting on Wednesday, Cabinet said it is encouraged by the millions of people in South Africa who…

Minister Joe Phaahla: Response to release of investigation report into Digital Vibes communication contract

Statement by Minister of Health, Dr Joe Phaahla in response to the release of investigation report into Digital Vibes communication contractThanks Programme DirectorGreetings to Deputy Minister Dr DhlomoMembers of the mediaViewers and listeners at homeGood morningLet me take this opportunity to thank President Cyril Ramaphosa for authorising the publication or…

Digital Vibes: Health suspends seven officials

Health Minister, Dr Joe Phaahla, on Thursday confirmed that seven officials implicated in the Digital Vibes scandal will be served with suspension letters today.“The Acting Director-General has also been making sure that the affected individuals are informed about what is coming. The letters are already prepared and seven officials will…