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  • Day: May 26, 2023

South Africa: Cholera death toll rises to 20

South Africa’s Department of Health has announced that the number of deaths related to the cholera outbreak in Hammanskraal, nrth of Pretoria, has soared to 20.The department said on Thursday the number of patients that have been seen at the Jubilee District Hospital as of Wednesday is now at 179.According…

Load shedding stages to vary over the weekend

Eskom expects to implement various stages of load shedding over the weekend.Stage 5 load shedding will be implemented between 4pm and 5am on Saturday morning followed by Stage 3 from 5am to 4pm.This will be followed by Stage 5 once again until 5am with Stage 2 to follow on Sunday…

Mining communities should benefit more

Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe says mines should use their Social and Labour Plans (SLP) to create more impactful projects – like clinics and hospitals – in the areas that they mine in.He was speaking at the handover of the Freedom Park Clinic and an Early Childhood Development…

Much anticipated green hydrogen project kick-starts

The Namibian Government and its preferred green hydrogen bidder, Hyphen Hydrogen Energy on Friday signed the Feasibility and Implementation Agreement (FIA) to kick-start the green hydrogen project in the Tsau ?Khaeb National Park in the ||Kharas Region.Speaking at the signing ceremony at State House, National Planning Commission Director General, Obeth…