OMUSATI — A devastating incident occurred on Monday in Uukuuvu village, Okahao Constituency, where a 15-month-old toddler drowned in a bucket of water while left unattended at home.
According to Namibia Press Agency, Omusati Crime Investigations Coordinator for the Namibian Police Force, the incident happened around 17h00. The toddler, identified as Iitembu Emilie Ndasilohenda, was left sleeping on the ground in a hut by her caretaker, who had gone out to cut bushes. "When she came back home, she found that the baby had drowned in a bucket of water," Simaho reported.
The police have taken the body to the Okahao police mortuary for a post-mortem to further investigate the circumstances surrounding the tragic event. The investigation continues as the community reels from the loss.